Plumtree School - Old Prunitians
Biographies & Obituaries
Old Prunitians
Alfred "Raff" Bentley 1916-1999 002
John Hartley (Jack) Howman 006
John Sothern (Binks) Holland 005
Stephen Robertson Hill McDougall 008
Joseph Norbert Mauvis 011
Headmasters & Staff
Charles Reginald Barrett 007
Clifford Charles Coventry 013 Added October 2002
Kenneth (Coney) Fleming 010
Robert (Bob) Hammond 004
Garth (Grans, Mole) Morwood - The Year(s) of the Mole 003
J.E.H. Mylne 014
Mike (Spike) Whiley 009
OPs in the News
Martin Olds' Murder 001
Chris Rose 012