Old Prunitian Database
- Index B
Tazewil Baines : Lloyd
1961-1966. Head of house, first water-polo, second XV. Killed in
action 1975.
Edward Roy Bailey
: Lloyd 1936-1940 : was reported missing, presumed killed on active service on
July 3lst, 1944. See biography in Roll of Honour
Rawdon Ball (Knack) : Milner 1970-1975; Assisted
Monty as Head of House until I was fired, was able to beat
Joubert at Squash occasionally but less and less frequently,
Academic: John Shaw's most disappointing A level result in '75;
U.C.T. Mech Eng on a five year plan, 8 years in Bindura 81 to 90,
Selebi Phikwe, Botswana since then, married Sally Graham 1982 and
have four children. Botswana. Rawdon
Ball <6balls@it.bw>
Albert Balloch
: Grey 1936-1937 : was reported missing as the result of air operations on
February 2nd-3rd, 1945. See biography in Roll of
Honour section
Stanley John Barbour : Milner 1927-1928 : was killed in action in
Egypt on February 15th, 1941. See biography in Roll of
Honour section
William Barnett : Grey 1973-1978. Killed in
action 1979 serving with Corps of Engineers.
Nigel Barrable (Barrow) : Lloyd 1973-1979; Got
my A Levels and had a gas outside the school grounds - damn fence
made life difficult in 1979; Durban varsity was one huge party -
much liver damage - then a commune in Joburg for 3 years - before
coming to the US. Ran my own IT firm for 6 years and now doing
the e-commerce thing for a company that will IPO later this year.
Happily married and loving Florida. USA. Nigel Barrable <barrable@gate.net> www.gate.net/~barrable/
Charles William Bawden
: Grey 1940-1942 : died on service on October 6th, 1943 in Southern Rhodesia.
See biography in Roll of Honour section
Francis Nicholas Bekker (Nick) : Milner 1971-1976 :
Apprenticeship at Trojan Nickel Mine in Bindura, spent some years
working for Bindura Nickel Corp but ended up in Bulawayo working
for The Old Nick Mine. Deceased April 1998
Rowan Benecke : Lloyd 1983-1988. School Prefect, First
Team Water Polo, Toastmaster of the Year '88, Senior Debate
Champion '88, Dramatics Colours; After A-levels, won a Rotary
International Exchange Student Scholarship to the States for the
year of 89. Then went back to Zim and briefly worked as a public
relations manager for the Bulawayo Sun Hotel. Returned to the
States in mid-90 to do four-year bachelor's degree in
Journalism/PR in Indiana. Do a lot of sport rock-climbing, mountain
biking and the occasional triathlon. USA. Rowan Benecke <rowan_benecke@pr21.com>
Charles Bickle (Charlie) : Gaul 1970-1975. Killed in
action 1977.
Richard Bird
(Larry) : Milner 1991-1996 : School prefect, house prefect, 1st
waterpolo, 2nd XV rugby, 1IC stage crew. Zimbabwe.
Richard Bird
Timothy Bird (Nyoni) : Milner 1993-1996; I have since travelled to USA and worked on the Marina's in Florida. I then went to the UK where I am currently working for Gap Inc. in the IT department.
Timothy Bird
Dick Biscoe (Dick) : Gaul 1952-1956. Deceased
Ian Blair (Lizard) : Milner 1986-1991; School achievements
- Not Many!; Working at Cahorra Bassa, Mocambique for the last
two years managing kapenta farm. Presently in UK venturing to
Scotland in search of work on the Oil Rigs. Hope to be back in
Zimbabwe mid '99. Reading, England. Ian Blair < leigh_hatch@egginc.com>
Joseph Arthur Bland
: Gaul 1929-1933 : was reported, missing as the result of air operations on the
night of April 22nd/23rd, 1943.
See biography in Roll of Honour section
Karl Bohmke (Titch) : Gaul 1981-1984; NHD Mining (Wits
Technikon 1988), Now working for Ensign-Bickford South Africa
(Explosives manufacturer) as Marketing Manager. Johannesburg,
South Africa. Karl Bohmke <karl.bohmke@sasol.com>
Mike Bond
( Red) : Lloyd 1966-1971; House prefect 1970, School prefect
1971, 1st XI Cricket 1970/71; Group Factory Manager, Limbe Leaf
Tobacco Company, Malawi (subsidiary Universal Leaf Inc, Richmond,
Va, USA), Married to Lesley, two children Graeme and Shannon,
Interests Cricket, Rugby, Formula 1. Still enjoy social cricket
and trying to work on a reasonable golf handicap. Lilongwe,
Malawi. Mike Bond <bond@malawi.net>
Harold Booth
: Grey 1934-1935 : was killed in action in Burma on April 7th, 1945.
See biography in Roll of Honour section
Garth Botha : Milner 1973-1976; all round nice
guy; advertising,married,happy. Atlanta, USA. Garth Botha <witblits61@hotmail.com>
Derek Botton (Bottie) : Grey 1942- 1946; 4th team rugger; Married Hazel Vice ex Northern Rhodesia
four children. Presently living Charlotte NC, USA May 2001. Derek
Botton <rjpklatt.@aol.com>
Mike Bowman (Bo) : Grey 1976- 1981; 1st's Polo / 2nd. XV. House fed. [99's
& Prunitian tie]. Enough M's to get into Maritzburg varsity. Married to Bronny for 14 years now with 2 sons Greg [9] and Steve [7]. Got a
BSc. Agric., then spent 10 years in Greytown with Pannar Seed before moving to Bakersfield, California where I am a plant breeder with Sunseeds inc. USA.
Bowman <bobron@ncinternet.net>
John Bertram Boyd-Clark : Milner 1937-1938 : died on active service on
April 8th, 1943.
See biography in Roll of Honour section
C.N. Brebner (Sonny) : Grey 1924-1928. Deceased 1984.
Chris Brebner : Grey 1956-1961; Head of House, Colours in:
Cricket, Swimming, Rugby, Cross Country. Died of cancer, April
29, 1998.
Ian Brebner : Grey 1957-1962; Prefect, Colours in
Swimming, Water Polo, Cross Country; Was farming near Manada Dam,
Figtree area. Deceased 1984
Wayne Brebner : Grey 1980-1985; To keep him out of
mischief had to make him a Prefect, also colours in Rugby and
Swimming; Living in Bulawayo, where he can be contacted at his
folks garage. Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
Jim Brent (Tumble / Crime) : Gaul 1976-1981; Head of House, 2nd XV, 1st's Basketball, Oklahoma!
Toastmasters ; Left school to spend 2 years on the mines in Joburg (Durban Deep &
ERPM). Had a great time discovering that it definitely wasn't for me! Then to Maritzburg University for a Bsc (Comp.
Sci.) where the distractions were immense! Eventually got the degree and joined Andersen Consulting in Durban for 2 years. Then went to do some travelling via earning the Pound in the UK. Lived in a very interesting digs run by fellow OP Tony
(Scroats) Broughton - a survival course all on its own. After 6 months in London did the (then) normal Thailand/Singapore/Malaysia/Australia tour and returned to
RSA, and
Joburg specifically. Have been here ever since in the Banking world and am now Head of IT for a German/French Bank in
Joburg. Engaged for past 7/8 years (?) to ex-Hwange girl Debbie Clark. Live in Saxonwold (near Joburg
zoo) have 3 dogs, 4 cats (but NKY).
South Africa. Jim
Brent <jamesbrent@internationalbank.co.za>
Michael Broughton (Scrotes) : Lloyd 1976-1982;
House/School prefect (fired on both counts), captain 1st team
basketball (99s), 2nd team rugby, Prunition tie. Spent extra year
to scrape through 3 Ms and 1 A level. Got booted at the end of
the 2nd term 1982 for NOT conducting a raid on the peddabar. Some
other villan was responsible but I just happened to have spent a
leisurely day dinking gwebs out at Questids and ran into a search
party headed by Jub Jub. No-one would believe that the party cost
me only 40 cents !; Failed 2 years at Maritzburg 1983-1984.
Passed the party though. Trained for 2 years as a programmer with
JCI in Randfontein 1985-1986. Returned to Gweru 1987-1990 and
worked for Bata. Played for Gweru sports club 1st XV and Miblands
B. Moved to the UK 1990 still in the IT industry. Got married in
1993 to a shifty, Nicola Purdon, and now have a 9 month old son,
Ewan. London, UK. Mike Broughton <mike@nik-mike.demon.co.uk>
David Brown : Grey 1965-1970. Killed in a flying
accident with Rhodesian Air Force August 1972.
Lloyd Brown :
Hammond/Grey 1976-1977; I was only at Plumtree for a year and a
half, not long enough to do anything too meaningful !; I'm
married now, no kids, living in Toronto, Canada where I'm an air
traffic controller. I swim and play water-polo occassionally.
Lloyd Brown
Simon Brown (Pommy) : Lloyd 1991-1993; Nothing
much as I wasn't there long; working as a web developer. Also had
a brother Adam who attended for 4 years. London, England. Simon Brown <simon_brown@lineone.net>
John Brownlee : Grey 1972-1977. 2nd Lieutenant,
Killed in action 1978.
Ian Brunette (Bruno) : Lloyd 1982-1986; Played Waterpolo,
Diving and Rugby, awarded most promising rugby player of 1996,
Chairman of the natural history society and toast masters,
Academic achievements are non existent !; Obtained a fuel
injection engineering degree through the Open University, found
that this was not the career I wanted to pursue so now I am
currently studying for my MCSE while working as a contractor for
Barclays Bank City IT Network and desktop support team, I love
every minute of it.
Ian Brunette
Peter Charles Lindsay Brunton : Lloyd 1927-1931: was
reported missing as the result of air operations in the
Middle East on
3rd, 1942.
See biography in Roll of Honour section
Bruce Burns : Milner 1966-1968. Killed in action
Iain Peter Butchart
( Butchie) : Gaul 1973-1979; 1st XI cricket for some years, Zim
schools cricket and hockey. Part time studies yielded 1 A Level
and 3 M Levels. School was for sport and fun; Married with 3
boys. Living near Trelawney in Zim. Presently a national selector
attending World Cup 1999 in UK for selection of pubs and other
places of interest. Trelawny, Zimbabwe. E-mail contact through
brother, Ken - see below.
Ken Butchart : Gaul 1974-1979 : School Prefect,
Ist XI Cricket and Hockey from 1977-1979. Did really only leave
in 1980 and was headboy for about 2 weeks - reason for leaving :
passed A Levels unexpectedly !; Running Tribac a Zimabwean
tobacco company with two business partners, married to an Oriel
girl (Allie Haig) and have 3 kids. Harare, Zimbabwe. Ken Butchart <butchart@zol.co.zw>
Peter Butchart : Honorary - Gaul ; Loved living
in Plumtree so much he became an Honorary OP, 3 kids 2 of which
went to the school.
Harare, Zimbabwe. E-mail contact through son, Ken - see above.
Fraser Butterworth (Jellylegs) : Milner 1972-1975; House
prefect, Captien 3rd's Rugby team, Worked behind the scenes in
the plays, other than that, not much :-) ; Management consultant
with Price Waterhouse Coopers in Joburg, married with 3
children. Brackendowns, South Africa. Fraser Butterworth <fbutter@icon.co.za>
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