Prunitian Database - Index W
George Walls : Gaul 1967-1973; Living in
Harare now working for National Foods Limited. Zimbabwe. George Walls <georgewa@natfood.gaia.co.zw>
John Walters : Gaul 1965-1970. Killed in a car
accident 1979.
Timothy Nigel Webb (Flash) : Grey 1955-1960; House Prefect
1960, House Colours; Captain in 8RR, Married, 2 children,
President of MIEA 19861989, Big enough to have once told
Tiny Rowland to payup or else! (But only once!) CEO of Brake
& Clutch Group of Companies. Harare, Zimbabwe. Timothy
Webb <jeniweb@africaonline.co.zw>
James Weller (Jimmy) : Gaul 1955-1961. Passed
away July 1998 from a brain tumour.
Russel Weston (Chende) : Milner 1984-1989; Prefect, 1st
XV rugby (colours), Athletics, Public speaking (Milner Trophy 89)
and 5 years of bloody good fun; I'm a computer tech for IBM UK (2
years), did City and Guilds (micro-electronics) while still in
Zim, played a bit of (bad) rugby for O,G's and Enterprise,
married Louise de Beer 1995, one son - Matt; I now play rugby
on/off for Old Caterhamonians?? and travel UK as much as
possible, I haven't been back to Plumtree but I do go back to Zim
often. Reigate, UK. Russel Weston <russeleoin@yahoo.com >
David Whitehead (Bonk) : Grey 1947-1951; School prefect, 2nd XI cricket + hockey, 2nd XV rugby, House Colours. Cadet Corp Sgt.
Plays - Francesco in "Gondeliers", Charles in "Barretts of Wimpole Street", Frederic in "Pirates of Penzance" Magazine Committee.
Cambridge Cert. 5 distinctions Cert A part 1 & 2 Higher Cert. 8 Units. N.
Rhodesian Bursary; B.Sc. Agric 1955, Rhodes Scholar 1957, M.Sc.Agric (Natal)
1958, D.Phil (Oxon) 1961, M.A. (Oxon) 1965. Oxford Greyhounds XV, Trinity College: 1st X1 cricket, 1st XV rugby, Athletics University cuppers, 3rd javelin. President, OU Africa Society 1960.
Research Fellow UCRN 1961-64, Senior Research Fellow & Tutor Oxford 1964-69, Fulbright Fellow USA 1969, elected Fellow of Royal Entomological Society, Lecturer at Sussex Univ 1970-74, Senior Research Fellow at Bristol Univ & Courtauld Institute, Middlesex Hospital 1974-77, Convenor 1st Ecdysone Workshop in London 1976, Reader at Jos Univ. Nigeria 1977-79 Head of Chemistry & Bioassay Research Unit, ICIPE, Nairobi 1979-83, Editor "Natural Products for Innovative Pest Management", Pergamon Press, Oxford 1983,
Associate Professor in Biochemistry, College of Medicine, University of Malawi 1994-98:
Consultant to Tea Research Foundation, Malawi Bureau of Standards & Ethanol Company 1985-99.
One son, Oliver, works in London. South Africa. David
Whitehead <whitehead@new.co.za>
Vaughan Whitehead Willson : Milner 1969-1974.
Killed in action 1979
Frank Wiggill : Lloyd 1970-1973. Killed in
action October 1979.
Andrew Wilson (Willy) : Gaul 1978-1982; Successful raid on
teachers Pedabar, Total reprobate and
anti-establishmentalist; Specialised in fresh horticultural
exports for the last 12 years, Married - no children, Currently
based in Ghana to set up the county's first cut flower export
project. Did much "time" in Belfour Carnegies
Illiterate disco and jail house, where numerous attempts were
made at my re-education, other students seen over the last couple
of years include - Brian Loxton, Ian Butchard (Happiness), Clive
Webb-Martin, Alistair Samson, Trevor Gifford, Brendon Scott, Jeff
Curran, Trevor Reinders, Murray Evans, Fats Flawel, John Kitwits
(Old Man), Angus Melrose (Plug), if anyone wants information
about any of them. I would like to get in contact with Kevin Grey
(Shlopey), son of REPS headmaster if anyone knows his history and
where-abouts. England. Andrew Wilson <ajwilson70@hotmail.com>
Peter Winhall (Breeze) : Milner 1960-1965;
U.C.T. 1966-1969 Worked for Rhod. Board Corp. then Lever Bros in
Salisbury, Joined Scottish Jewellers...Marketing Manager until
1980, left for Cape Town. Military in 5RR (corp) Currently have
own business as Diamond Dealer/Gemmologists/Designer Goldsmiths
in Cape Town. Married with one daughter (now also married)
Brothers (also Breeze) - Tony (Milner 1957-1962) died in 1983.
Nige and Dave (also Breezes!!) still in Zimbabwe. With so many
Breezes in the family,my wife for years thought "Hi
Breeze" was a Plumtree greeting!!! Cape Town, South Africa. Peter Winhall <breeze@iafrica.com>
Tony Winhall (Breeze) : Milner 1957-1962; died
1983. See above
Ian Wolhuter (Wally) : Milner 1970-1975; After having done
an electrical apprenticeship I worked for Bindura Nickel until
moving to the UK in 87, spent 5 years working for a waste
disposal company before moving on to Queensland, Australia,
presently working for a power station. Married Jane in 1986 and
now have two boys Thomas (1995) and Mark (1998). Rockhampton,
Australia. Ian Wolhuter
Ian Wooler : Milner 1973-1979; Head of House and School Prefect 1979, First Team Hockey 1977, 1978, 1979, represented Matabeleland Schools A Side 1979 First Team Cricket 1978, 1979;
Diploma in Hotelkeeping and Catering Management - worked in Port Elizabeth and Cape Town in South Africa, Gaborone - Botswana and various hotels in Zimbabwe. Currently working at Makro (a leading wholesaler) in Harare. Married to Sandy with two children, René (10) and Bradley (5).
Ian Wooler <iwooler@mweb.co.zw>
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