Old Prunitian Database
- Index M
James Maberly (Alfie, Sickle,
James ol' chap) : Lloyd 1970-74; being both gangly and
uncoordinated, I was never the idealised Plumtree all-rounder but
was known to become an animal during house rugby matches.My
academic 'zenith' was achieving 3% for a Latin exam one term, as
a result of which I was swiftly shifted to the art room - one of
the smartest moves they ever made. I enjoyed participating in
revues and debates and indeed produced the winning play in the
inter-house play contest, an award that surprised me at the time;
In 1975 I attended the Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst in the
U.K. and served for 4 further years in the Royal Scots Dragoon
Guards. 1980-88, I worked in the transport Industry in Zimbabwe,
South Africa and Botswana before heading back to England to study
Fine Art. 1988-93 saw 5 years of study, and since that date have
been practising as a professional artist working from my studio
at home in England. I have 4 children, one wife (Veronica), a
dog, 4 sheep, 12 bantams, a goldfish, three horses and a camel on
order..... after that we'll call it quits. England. James Maberly <jmab@themutual.net>
Pat MacLachlan (Mac minor) : Milner 1940-1945; 1st XV, 1st XI
Hockey; B.Arch. from Cape Town University, MA from Oxford
University (Rhodes Scholar 1951). Rugby for Oxford, Scotland,
Barbarians, Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, Mashonaland &
Salisbury Sports Club. Architect in Salisbury and Blantyre,
schoolmaster/headmaster at Shawnigan Lake School on Vancouver
Island, Canada, 1961-73, in business - Independent Schools
Service with office in Hong Kong 1973-1994, retired and living in
Duncan, B.C., Canada. Married Jocelyn Vulliamy in London, England
1954, three sons. British Columbia, Canada May 2001. Pat
MacLachlan <lachlanpat@home.com>
Amkela Malaba (Kela) : Lloyd 1985-1990; Head of House, Captain Hockey, (Colours), Drama...etc;
Finished a BComm in Canada. Currently doing a Masters in Info Sys. Single and studying in Australia.
Amkela Malaba
Khalid Malik (Chapati) : Lloyd 1980- 1982; House prefect,
school prefect (but did not return), 1st team basket ball, 2nd team hockey,
athlete; working in the construction industry as development manager (major
projects), married in 1989 2 boys aged 7 and 3. England May 2001. Khalid
Malik <nicky@malikk.freeserve.co>
Keith Mann : Grey 1964-1969. Killed in action whilst in
Mozambique with Selous Scouts 1979.
Dudley Masuku : Gaul 1990-1994; School Prefect, Basketball Colours;
Well, I worked as a Bungi Jump Master for 2 years till I couldn't have anymore fun - got a real job as a computer technician, later systems engineer. Shortly afterwards started my own company doing the same thing....I'm still at it. Currently studying an MCSE course as well as as a Linux Red Hat Certified Engineer course (just to be a real geek). No wife, no kids & loving
it ! My young brother, also an OP, beat me to it - he is in Australia now with a baby girl.
Zimbabwe. Dudley
Masuku <legendofthefalls@hotmail.com>
Mike Matthews : Milner 1970-1975; House prefect,
Waterpolo Colours; I have my own small legal practice in Cape
Town, married to Colleen and have two daughters, Tarryn (now 12)
and Kelly (now 10). South Africa.
Mike Matthews <mikemat@fast.co.za>
Peter Matthews (Pete) : Milner 1968-1972 ; 1st Team Water polo, 1st Team
Basketball; Did NS in '73 and went to Durban to study Graphic Design. Played Basketball for Natal and failed my design course. Started my own advertising agency (Matthews & Charter O&M) in '86. Sold my shares in '99. Got divorced in '99 (two kids:
Sarah 19 and Michael 17). Started all over again in 2000... Can anyone tell me the meaning of
life ? South Africa March 2001. Peter
Matthews <pete@coww.co.za>
Rob Matthews : Milner 1966-1970; 1st Waterpolo;
Married since 1975 to an Aussie (Janine),1 son 21
y.o.(James)...geez that makes me old! and recently adopted 5 y.o.
Laura from Romania. Worked for RTV for a bit, lived in London a
few years, Joburg 8 years - had a computer training company -
emigrated and have lived very happily in Sydney for the last 14
years. Started and have run own multimedia, print and web site
presentation design co. for past 13 years. Australia. Rob Matthews <rob@brilliant.com.au>
Norbert Mauvis
(Nor) : Gaul 1968-1973. As a role model to new boys, I was probably the
greatest dismal failure, unless of course the new boy concerned had dreams of
becoming a rebel de luxe. Brains & I were next door neighbours, and
compensation for that was achieved through sport, surprise, surprise. School
swimming, athletics, 1st Rugby, 1st Basketball, school play every year,
co-editor Lamplighter, head photo society, 6 stripes out of the red in my tie,
and Enos Todds' nightmare; 4
yrs Support Unit, 7 yrs Tobacco Industry (Internationally), 4 yrs illegal
commercial fishing in Kariba, 9 yrs in Beira, Mocambique running organised cross
border smuggling operations. Within that time I worked 4 yrs for UN (food admin
to North Moc.). Now am Ass. G.M. for a Japanese trading house called Mitsui
Bussan Kaisha. Who said that bull shit never got anyone anywhere ?
Sadly, Nor died of cancer in July 2002.
Ian McDonald : Milner 1955-1960; Head of House.
Matabeleland/Midlands Cricket, Rugby and Hockey; RAF 20yrs till
1980, .Several jobs since incl Royal Brunei Malay Regt and Saudi
Royal Helicopter Flt. Now retired. 3 grown up children.
Hampshire, England. Ian McDonald <i.mcd@btinternet.com>
Neil McDonald : Milner 1958-1963; house senior,
house colours, captained the hockey X1, colours, . awarded the
Governor General's recommendation to go to the Royal Naval
College Dartmouth; After a naval career cut short by UDI, I got
into the computer industry. I have just taken early retirement
after a 29 year career with IBM. I am an internationally
certified project manager and am currently consulting in this
area. I live in Benoni and am happily married with three
children. Benoni, South Africa. Neil McDonald <neilm@acenet.co.za>
Steve McDougal :
Grey 1966-197; Died in March/April 2000 after a long illness.
Norman McGeorge (Noddy) : Lloyd 1976-1981; Head of
Lloyd, Colours, Prunitian tie etc. Played with the famous 3rd XV
of John O'Rielly; BSc, MSc Mining Engineering at University of
the Witwatersrand. Consulting Mining engineer with Billiton Coal
Corporation. South Africa. Norman McGeorge <noddymg@ingwe.co.za>
Martin McGhee (nickname - "Hey you!") :
Milner 1964-1968; Left with six "O" levels. House rugby
and cricket teams, 2nd team rugby, much involvment with drama and
G&S productions. Terrible athlete ; Joined RTV Byo as a
trainee journailst in Aug 1969. Worked up to producer/director
via the route of cameraman, lighting, sound etc. Produced and
directed everything from sport to kiddie, magazines to wildlife
progs. Saw much action as a news cameraman during the war years.
National service Jan 1970 - Sept 1970. Rank corporal. Later 6RR
and saw out the war in PSYAC with rank of Sgt. 1980, one year
contract with BBC Scotland as producer/director/writer in current
affairs dept. Highlights included trip to Shetland Islands to
shoot documentary. Another year back with ZTV and then to SA as
sports producer at SABC. Million Dollar Golf, SA Tennis Open,
Rapport Cycle tour and many more in credits. Founder member of
BOP TV newsroom, Mafikeng. Assignment editor/executive producer
for six years then on to The Citizen as journalist/night news
editor. Back to Mafikeng and BOP TV. Currently freelancing.
Lecturing part time at University of Botswana and currently
setting up newsroom system for forthcoming Botswana Television
project. Married twice. Two boys from first marriage, (Sean, 19)
(Callum, 15). Married happily now to Erika, also a journalist of
repute! Best wishes to all. Mafikeng, South Africa. Martin McGhee <mcghee@flashnet.co.za>
Rob McKay : Grey 1977-1980. Fort Lauderdale
Florida. Rob
McKay <rtmckay@ibm.net>
John Mehliss (Nickname: unmentionable !) : Hammond/Lloyd 1965- 1970;
House prefect, B half-mile participant;
Practised as an attorney in Harare, before emigrating to Jhb. where I work for a financial
institution. One son. Run occasionally, & have completed a few Comrades marathons. Still incredibly good looking !
South Africa. John
Mehliss <johnme@fedsure.co.za>
Pete Mesley : Gaul 1984-1987. First XV Rugby
Colours (Matabeleland), 1st XI Cricket Colours, Athletics, too
stupid for academic awards!!; Lived in N Ireland for two years
after school tour to Dublin in 1987. Moved to London 89 worked as
painter/decorator, became scuba dive instructor in 93, toured
round Med, Red Sea (Egypt) teaching people to dive, worked in
South Africa, Aussi, Cyprus diving, now the Training Manager of
the Dive College in Auckland for last three years (that's how
long I have been in NZ), I have headed technical diving trips to
the Solomons "Iron Bottom Sound" diving the deep wrecks
of Guadalcanal, don't have any other hobbies that don't include
getting my head wet!, do quite a bit of u/w photography to keep
my sanity, I am due to be married in April this year (98) to a
Kiwi lass. Auckland, New Zealand. Pete Mesley <petemes@ihug.co.nz>
Philip Minnaar : Grey 1971-1976; 3rds Rugby, 2nds basket
ball (Tom "Rocky" Reakes was the coach), 'C' group
swimming for 6 years and ran almost as many 'b-miles', passed M
level ; Studied a Mech. Eng. Diploma at the Vaaltriangle
Technikon in SA, worked for various mines and cement plants as a
maintenance engineer. Kept up my squash and still play a fairly
mean social game, providing there is beer for a reward ! Now
learning to alpine ski in the Rocky Mountains. Married Jackie
from Parys in the Free State and presently being challenged by
two teenagers Chantal and Ryan. Moved to Canada in 1996 living in
Canmore, Alberta. Phil Minnaar <pminnaar@telusplanet.net>
Tutu Molomo (Tutu) : Grey 1992-1993; House
prefect, hockey colours, Matebeleland Hockey, Zim under 18 hockey
Cricket half colours; Moved back to South Africa....Got married
in December 1997...One baby Tutu junior (TJ) Currently working
for Multichoice Africa (I.G.N) in Cape Town, South Africa. Tutu Molomo <tmolomo@hotmail.com>
Zwelithini Moyo (Chief) : Lloyd 1990-1995; House
Prefect,Dramatics Colours,2ndXV 1995,Prunitian tie, Foundation
tie, School Plays(1990-1995), won the award for best supporting
actor in 1994. In my more impressionable years played hockey and
cricket. Owing to reduced coordination in the latter years played
rugby for the 1995 almost unbeaten side; After a six year lay off
at Plumtree I decided it was time to use my brain so I went to
UCT and studied a BCOM (accounting) degree from 1997-1999. I am
currently working for an investment bank in Cape Town.I still
play the social rugby - volleyball the emphasis being on the
social. South Africa. Zwelithini Moyo <zwelithinimoyo@hotmail.com>
Gavin Murray (Leguaan) : Gaul 1973-1979; Still
single and making the most of life! Lived in Botswana, UK and
finally SA. Working as a safari guide for Drifters. Edenvale,
South Africa. No e-mail
supplied contact webmaster for contact details.
Colyn Myles : Grey 1949-1953; Played hockey for
Old Prunitians, Midlands and Zambia. Qualified as a Quantity
Surveyor & a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered
Surveyors. Married Betty Banks (Eveline High, Bulawayo) and have
2 daughters (Michelle & Claire). Served on the Port Elizabeth
City Council (1972-1981) and the Cape Provincial Council
(1987-1981) of the Cape of Good Hope. P.E., South Africa. Colyn Myles <mlc@hertz.mech.wits.ac.za>
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