Prunitian Database - Index P
William John Palmer : Milner 1904-1906;
52nd child to be enrolled at Plumtree School. Father of Helen
Woodley who ran tuckshop, and grandfather of Sandi Griffin. As
both Helen and Sandi were attached to Milner, (and most probably
there were no "houses" as such in 1904) we have taken
the liberty of attaching him to Milner. He always regaled his
grandchildren with stories of the extremely strict headmistress
of the time, Miss Musson (?) and life in general at Plumtree.
Derrick Palterman (Palte) : Grey 1970-1975; Married to
Beverly (nee Black) from Bulawayo, two children a daughter and
son, now living in Durban and working as a software consultant
(BaaN). South Africa. Derrick Palterman <paltermand@mweb.co.za>
Parker : Gaul 1983-1987; 1st XI Cricket, 1st XI Hockey,
Hockey Colours and Honours, 99's Cricket; Married to Kirsty
Murphy in 1993, Son Jordan born in 1996. Still playing hockey and
cricket. Working as a sales person in the wholesale industry.
Esperance, Western Australia. Boyd Parker <kparker@wn.com.au>
Parker (formerly Harding) ( Humpy) : Grey 1991-1997 :
House and School Prefect, Colours for Swimming, Athletics,
Waterpolo. Zimbabwe Schools Waterpolo. 99's Rugby; Presently
British Army Engineers, United Kingdom. Glenn Parker <rattballs@hotmail.com>
Ross E R Parker : Grey 1972-1976; 1 RLI Support
Commando, Special teams Reconnaissance troop. Married, 2 boys
Ross & Cole. President Call of Africa Inc., President Native
Visions Galleries.(Fine Art), President Environmental Art
Awareness Group Publishing (books, documentaries & ltd.
edition prints). Florida, USA.
Ross Parker <callofafrica@worldnet.att.net>
Troy Parker (Porks) : Grey 1984-1988; 1st Team Hockey.
Athletics Team. 2nd XI cricket; sugar farmer on family farm, play
Zimbabwe Polocrosse. Married to Liesl with two kids. Hannah -
Jacob. Chiredzi, Zimbabwe. Troy Parker <troyparker@yahoo.com>
Ian Harry Parkinson (Harry) : Grey 1975-1980; Head of House/school prefect, 1stXV Waterpolo
colours, 'o'levels;
Travelled the world for 2 years then settled in Australia. Represented Western Australia Rugby for 3 years and in the mean time set up my own Financial Planning and Insurance Business which I am currently
running. I am not married but am very happy in a relationship and living together.
Western Australia. Ian
Parkinson <HarryParki@aol.com.au>
Jeremy Partridge : Gaul 1978-1979. 1st XV,
Athletics; N.S.1980, farmed in Shamva 1981-85, moved to States in
'86 and am GM of a local sports pub and restaurant ; Hollywood,
Florida, USA. JPAZIMINFLA@webtv.net
Hugh Pearce : Milner 1994-1999 ; Deputy Head, 1st XI and Zim Hockey, 1st XI,
Cricket and tennis; Hockey and Cricket colours; After school worked in a summer camp in Canada
until September curently playing hockey and working
at a school in Canterbury ( Kent College ). Hugh
Pearce <clapper@angelfire.com>
Tim Philip (Flop) : Lloyd 1970-1975; Debater and Actor,
not much of a sportsman; Went on to UK in 1977 - 1978, Started
skating in RSA and became a SA Champion in 1986, competing with
kids 10 years younger. Went to USA in 1992 - 1996 and taught
skating in Vancouver, Washington. 15 National champions! Won 5
years of Regional High point trophies for the best team in the NW
Region. Came back to Zim 1998 and made MD for Royal Baking
Powder. Loving being back. Zimbabawe. Tim
Philip <tim@RBP.co.zw>
Dorien Philpott : Gaul 1950-1955; Represented
Rhodesia in 1972 Olympic Games - Munich for Shooting, went to
UCT, founded a few gold mines in Zim. Currently farming.
Juliasdale, Zimbabwe. Dorien Philpott <indabaoz@mailexcite.com>
Kucaca Ivumile Phulu (Buster) : Lloyd 1990-1995; School prefect, House
prefect, Soccer captain, Prunitian tie(1995), Foundation tie(1994), Colours
soccer (1995), Athletics team 99`s & re-awards, Matabeleland athletics
I am currently completing my studies at the University of Zimbabwe where I am reading for the Bachelor of Laws
degree. I hope to commence practicing next year as a legal practitioner. Right now life is just kicking and I am just focusing on my
goals (personal) that I have set for myself .I love the Lord, he has just blessed
me. Crown him with many crowns the lord upon the throne. "viva prunitia".
Zimbabwe. Kucaca
Phulu <kucaca@justice.com>
Dean Pollock : Grey 1982-1986; Joined the
computer industry after leaving school as a programmer with Dion
Stores, South Africa, still with the same group but now servicing
Makro, CNA and Dion as a Business Analyst, married December 1997.
Randpark Ridge, South Africa. Dean Pollock <dpolloc@massmart.co.za>
Gordon Poultney (Polly, Pol) : Lloyd
1970-1975; House prefect, Prunitian Tie, Athletics, led
expedition of Outdoor & Exploration Society to Drakensberg in
1974, generally a bit of a rebel and didn't do much to excel in
latter years at school; NS 1976, Bulawayo Hotel School 1977-1979,
lived in England 1980-82, worked for Zim Sun Hotels (Troutbeck,
Makasa Sun, Monomatapa) 1982-84, Gramma Record Company 1985-86,
helped re-open the Outward Bound school in Melsetter 1987-88,
moved to Canada 1988. Worked for a company in the moving and
transport business until starting own company in same industry in
1998. Married Jenny (nee Tanner - Eveline & TTC), children
Simon (1983), Bronwen (1985) and Johanna (1989). Stony Plain,
Alberta, Canada.
Gordon Poultney <gordon.poultney@rhodesiana.com>
Justin Povey : Lloyd 1987-1991;1st Team Rugby,
Matabeland under 21's; Left in a bit of a hurry ! Have recovered
from the accident well and have been living in London for the
past 5 years. I now manage one of the largest youth hostels in
Europe. London, England. Justin Povey <montreal@montreal.co.uk>
Peter Pringle (Drugs) : Lloyd 1990-1995; Chapel Server - Foundation Tie; Worked in Banket for Iricon irrigation Consultants until end of 1999, now working in
London, UK. Peter
Pringle <thepringles.fsnet.co.uk>
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