Old Prunitian Database
- Index D
Greg Davidson : Grey 1974-1979;
Schools record holder for the most number of impots issued
to an individual (too numerous to recount) ! ; Moved to UK late
80's, started career in aviation, currently Ground Services
Manager, London City Airport in Docklands area. We have a little
8 months old boy named Jake and am married to Debbie, an East-End
tart (she doesnt mind being called a tart !). London, UK. Greg Davidson <GDavid2696@aol.com>
Alan Dongworth : Lloyd 1970-1974; None of any importance -
house athletics, rugby etc.; After finishing at Plumtree went
overseas for 3 months, started work for Gaths Mine, Mashaba as a
learner mine official. Did NS with RLI, intake 149, 2 commando.
Was wounded in action in Honde Valley. After NS transferred to
survey dept to train as a Mine Surveyor. Left Zim in 1981, toured
Europe, moved to Aberdeen to work offshore in the oil industry.
Currently working for a diving company as a Life Support
Supervisor. Through the industry have worked in Vietnam, China,
Middle East, Congo, Sarawak, Sicily, Turkey, throughout Europe.
Am married to a jockess with 3 kids. Scotland. Alan Dongworth <alan@dongworth.freeserve.co.uk>
Mark Dovale : Gaul 1972-1977. House Prefect, School
Swimming Captain (1977), 2nd Team Water polo, Athletics team;
Moved down to South Africa in 1979 after Army, married with two
kids Alex & Adam, my wife's name is Colwyn, I work for a
company called Sun International and I am the Casino Manager at
Sun City (Great Web Page!), I would like to hear from other O
P's. Sun City, South Africa. Mark Dovale <mdovale@sunint.co.za>
H. Keith Driver : Milner 1943-1948; School achievements -
Pretty minimal; B, Arch (Natal)1953, Architect in Zimbabwe until
1959, Dip Town Planning (London)1962 Architect in London until
1962, Moved to Canada in 1962 - Lethbridge Calgary Toronto now in
Edmonton, Town Planning Consultant, Occasional Lecturer at
University of Alberta 1971 to 1998, Now retired, Married to Susan
- Two Children, Elizabeth and Jonathan both at University, All
the family is heavily into sailing and boast Canadian Enterprise
Championship 96, Jonathan Canadian Youth Championship 1997 World
Youth Championships 13th. Edmonton, Canada. Keith Driver <kdriver@incentre.net>
Scott Drysdale : Grey 1965-1970; House prefect, 1st XV, A level; married,
2 children, fine furniture maker. Australia. Scott
Drysdale <drysdale@coscom.net>
James Drummond (Jim) : Gray 1985-1990; Head of
House, Captain of Swimming, Vice Captain of Waterpolo, Stage
Crew; Class 1 Motor Mechanic, Married to Kim Kelly and have 2
Children, Casey and Alastair. Perth, Australia. James Drummond <jim@abacus.com.au>
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