Old Prunitian Database
- Index H
Nicholas Haggett : Grey 1984-1985.
Foundation Tie; Zisco Steel - Appy / Electrician, qualified 1989,
moved to South Africa in 1989, presently working for a consulting
firm. Natal, South Africa. Nicholas Haggett <m-tech@sco.eastcoast.co.za>
James Hamilton (Jim) : Grey 1969-1973. Killed in
a flying accident shortly after leaving school.
John Hamilton : Milner 1954-1959. In May 1998 he
was murdered by gangsters in Port St Johns, Natal.
John Hammond : Milner 1907-1918; Headboy : First
Cricket, First Rugby; Headmaster of Tjolotjo, Mzingwane,
Goromonzi and Domboshawa Schools. Key figure in African
education, Freedom from Hunger. Deceased. Contact Jill Baker
(daughter) Jill Baker <jill@belovedafrican.com>
also visit Jill's web site www.belovedafrican.com
Richard W Hammond : Milner 1956-1962; Head of School 1962;
Currently Managing Director of Adelaide Brighton Limited - a
listed Cement manufacturer in Australia with some activities in
Asia. Australia.
Richard Hammond <hammond@chariot.net.au>
David Harley : Milner 1958-1962; 1st XI Hockey - 1st
Interhouse Placekicking; BSAP 3 yrs Gwelo/Salisbury Support Unit
- Australia RAAF Pilot 14 yrs - Civilian Pilot DC9 & Flight
Simulator Instructor TAA & IPEC Aviation - Self employed
since Pilots Strike 1989 in Conveyancing and PC Consulting.
Victoria, Australia. David Harley <davidharley@hotmail.com>
John Harley : Milner 1954-1957; Outback Australia -
jackaroo & ranch hand - now semi-retired stud-master
(Charolais cattle & Quarterhorses) Truck Driver and Dreamer
(as seen by younger brother) and all-round good guy. Western
Australia (No e-mail
available but contact webmaster for contact address)
Michael Harley : Milner 1955-1959; Long Jump/Hurdles
Champion; Outback Australia jackaroo - New Zealand stock &
station agent, rugby player - Hawkes Bay, NZ, professional polo
player Australia & World Wide, now owns a string of polo
ponies and rents them out to the non-idle rich. Western
Australia. (No e-mail
available but contact webmaster for contact address)
Steve Hartel ( Ears) : Gaul 1984- 1989; House Pig 88, School Pig & Head of Gaul 89. 2nd Cricket and Rugby for I don't know how long. Involved in virtually everything so A) can't remember them all and B) they were fun!!; Moved down to Bulawayo
permanently after school and started career in IT. Married to Jules (been a bloody long time). Worked, played and partied hard - done all the usual IT things MCSE etc. Climbed the corporate ladder and finished of with C F Tulleys as Divisional Manager. Chucked it all in and moved the UK in 2000. Now enjoying life with minimal
workload ! United Kingdom May 2001. Steve
Hartel <steve_hartel@hotmail.com>
Malcolm Hatley (Hats) : Lloyd 1970-1975;
Warterpolo and swimming, School and House Prefect, A levels 1975,
Outdoor & Exploration Soc.; 1976 National Service, Based in
Kariba, Natal University, Bsc Eng 1980, Illovo Sugar Estates
Natal, South Africa until 1986, Married to Bridgette (Souchon )
from Natal 1983, two
children Robyn born 1985 and Grant 1988. Moved to Malawi in 1989
running a small management company for Standard Chartered Bank
finally returning to Zimbabwe in 1994 to open up a new farm
concentrating on tobacco and snowpea production. Moved to Canada in late
2000. Living on Vancouver Island. Canada March 2001.
Malcolm Hatley <seagullsloft@shaw.ca>
Peter Heath
: Milner 1981-1986; House Prefect 1986, Foundation Tie, Prunitian
Tie, Academic half-colours, Bisley Trophies 1984, 1985 and 1986;
Brief but glorious stint at UZ after leaving school. Trained with
Harare based PR consultancy Spectrum. Left Zim on 'extended
holiday' in 1991, spending a year travelling through Australia,
NZ and SE Asia. Arrived UK 1992 - still here ! Now a consultant
with leading UK PR consultancy. Living in a small Chiltern
village with Justine Edgerton, sister of Julian, Nigel and Stuart
- Gaul House swimming champions of note (1984-86). Visit Zim
frequently. Great Missenden, Bucks, UK.
Peter Heath
Robert Heath : Milner 1983-1988; House and
School Prefect, Academic and Dramatic colours, Foundation and
Prunitian ties, Waddington Cup, Academic prizes, Toastmasters,
debating etc; had a great 5 yrs at UZ post Plumtree, BVSC (Hons)
1994 MRCVS 1995, have been working in the UK for the past five
years, regularly interspersed with plenty of travel, recently
visited Oz, NZ, Pacific Islands and USA. Try and return to Zim
frequently, Single. Beds, England. Robert
Heath <rob@e-vet.com>
Mike Hemans : Gaul 1969-1974; Married Sue Porter in 1982. Two
sons (born 1985 and 1987). West Sussex, UK.
Mike Hemans <hemans@dial.pipex.com>
Peter Henneberg (Kraut, Grub, Gabar) : Lloyd
1979-1983; Not a noted sportsman. House Prefect and House
colours. Secretary of cattle club, boss of Falconery club, member
of ornithological club, senior debating, toastmasters, stage
crew, printing club. O, M, and A levels, Heavy smoker but only
caught once - run in by Patrick Mann; Systems analyst at Nedbank
SA. Currently residing and happily married in England. Working
for an Internet company. Bristol, England. Pete
Henneberg <petehenneberg@totalise.co.uk>
Richard Hickman : Hammond (attached Grey)
1973-1976. Died from wounds sustained in action 1979 whilst
serving with SAS.
Iver Hjul (Gunks) : Milner 1947-1951; Rugby 1st
XV; Rhodesian Rugby 1954. Deceased 1996.
Kevin Hjul : Milner 1973-1978;
Military 1979-1980, Medical School - Witwatersrand 1981-87
M.B.,B.Ch. Johannesburg Hospital and Trauma Unit 1988-1989,
Ambulance Training College 1989-1991, Head Emergency Medical
Services Tvl 1991-95, Private Casualty Units 1995-97, Private
Practice 1997-, Married 4 Children. Roodepoort, South Africa. Kevin Hjul <khjul@global.co.za>
John Holland (Binks - after my Dad) : Milner 1963-1968;
So long ago I can't remember; Working for Sara Lee in Ontario,
Canada. John Holland <hollandj@kiwitana.com>
David Horsfall (Boots minor) : Milner 1964- 1970; School prefect, 1st XI hockey, colours, GCE M level; BSc (Natal) 1974, UED (Natal) 1976, Taught for 2 years Mount Pleasant School, MBChB (Zim) 1983, GP x 6 years (Estcourt, Natal), Mine Medical Officer x 5 years (Orkney RSA), Now working in Oman in a private hospital. Married with 3 children. Oman
May 2001. Dave
Horsfall <dhorsfall@yebo.co.za>
(William) John Horton : Gaul 1941-1946; 1947-1951
University of Cape Town, Civil Engineering, 1952-1964 Civil
Engineering in Rhodesia, UK, Canada, Mexico, USA, 1964-1981 BC
Hydro and Power Authority, 1981-1986 Hwange Thermal Power
Station, Claw Dam to Kadoma pipeline, Civil Engineer, Capco,
Kariba, and East London Water Works, 1986-Present BC Ferries -
Marine construction. Victoria, Canada.
John Horton <horcon2@shaw.ca>
John Howman (Jack) : Lloyd 1932-1936;
Died February 2000.
Jeremy Hubert (Jez) : Grey
1977-1982; Head of House, School Prefect, Prunitian Tie,
Governors Cup, 1st XV, BBall, Athletics; Started a BSc Agric at
Maritzburg, left to UK and lived the good life, played rugby and
travelled for a while, went to Vet School by way of rugby coach
at Falcon. BVSc (UZ) 92, practice in Marondera, MRCVS 93 and UK
practice. Presently specializing in US as equine surgeon -
Louisiana, Baton Rouge (near New Orleans) Returning to Zim in
near future. Single - still playing rugby here in the southern
US. USA. Jeremy Hubert <jhubert@mail.vetmed.lsu.edu>
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