Prunitian Database - Index S
George Samuel (Chapathi) :
Milner 1980-1985; House prefect; Moved to the States. Graduated
from UCLA with a bachelors in Biology. Published in Proceedings
of National Academy of Science. Graduated from medical college
1999 and currently pursuing an internship and residency in
internal medicine. I recently got married.
Missouri, USA. George Samuel <nilesh@cableone.net>
Graham Scott (Scotty) : Gaul 1982-1987. School prefect,
2nd team waterpolo and hockey; Cost Accountant at Peters &
Brownes, Perth, Western Australia. Recently moved from Witbank,
South Africa (lived since 1988) where I was working for Ingwe
Coal. Married to Debbie, 1st child due in December 1999.Perth,
Australia Graham Scott <debgra@optusnet.com.au>
Craig Seaward
(Bushman, Banana loge) : Lloyd 1975-1980; 1st team
hockey/Matabeleland Athletics/Prunitian tie/1/2 colours for
Athletics/hockey/house colours; After Falctree 1981 destroyed the
Red Baron bar in the Bulawayo Holiday Inn I got employed at the
same hotel as a trainee hotel manager. Completed hotel school at
Wits, Joburg and went on to work for Sun International till 1990
rising to Deputy General Manager. End of 1990 got adventurous
and went out to China for 7 months still in hotels. Bad move.
Moved to Bali, Indonesia with Sheraton Hotels and resorts for 4
years. After another 3.5 years in Indonesia with Sheraton, and
after becoming a General Manager the riots struck in May 1998 and
I got transferred as General Manager to Pusan, South Korean with
Westin Hotels and Resorts. 19 years in hotels and still going
strong. Married a Balinese model, Jung, in 1996 and have a daughter Jazmine and speak Indonesian fluently.
Australia. Craig
Seaward <craig.seaward@sheraton.com>
Paul Shephard (Sheps) : Gaul 1981-1986; House Prefect.
XCIX Dramatics ; Returned to Plumtree 1989 to teach. Stayed till
1992. Now working for my family business Jetmaster - as
Administration manager. Zimbabwe. Paul Shephard <pshephard@halsteds.co.zw>
Anthony C. C. Shepherd : Milner 1945-1950; married,
retired CEO, Zimbabwe Alloys, two sons. Switzerland/Canada.
Anthony Shepherd <scarps@shaw.wave.ca>
Alan Sim ( Beef Burger, Tosser) : Gaul 1982- 1988; Under achiever, tried to play Rugby, and dabbled in a bit of cricket, left school a little backwards. Still living in Bulawayo with Mom and Dad, working on the family farm. Visit friends in Harare, any one
around let me know. Zimbabwe May 2001. Alan
Sim <as_tosser@hotmail.com>
Anthony Simmonds ( Ant) : Gaul 1967- 1973; School Prefect('72&'73). 1st team rugby('73 team blazer),1st team
waterpolo ('71,'72,'73 colours, Matabeleland and Rhodesia B ),school swimming
team (colours). School plays, Yeoman of the Guard'67, Patience'68, Oliver'71,
Mikado'73. Debating and Ornithological societies; I managed to jammy my way through A levels (confounding Harold Westwood!) and left to join the Airforce. I married Marcelle (Mozzy) nee Bischoff (ex Thornhill High) in '78 and have 3 children
Kevin (20), Graham (17) and Lauren (13).We now live in Mauritius (and love it), working for Air Mauritius as a Training Captain on the Airbus
340. It is a comfortable way of life with all the things a beautiful Island has to offer and we fly to destinations all over the world except for the Americas. I count myself lucky to have a career doing something I thoroughly enjoy and have wanted to do for as long as I can remember. My greatest sadness is that my sons were not in a position to attend Plumtree School. Mauritius
May 2001. Ant Simmonds
Peter Simmonds : Gaul 1964-1969. Head Boy in 1969, colours
for swimming and water polo; Rhodesian Airforce from 1970 to 1982
(Bronze Cross); Royal Brunei Armed Forces from 1982 to 1987, Air
Mauritius from 1987 to 1997, Singapore Airlines from 1997;
Singapore. Peter Simmonds <simmo@pacific.net.sg>
John Sinclair : Hammond/Milner 1971-1972; Rhodesian Air
Force (1978 - 1981) as pilot on 4 Sqn. South African Air Force
(1982 - 1988) as pilot on 5 and 3 Sqn. South African Airways
(1989 - 1994) and then Gulf Air (1994). Emirates since 1995 to
present. United Arab Emirates. John Sinclair <johnsin@emirates.net.ae>
Steve Smythe (Covo) : Grey 1976-1981; Gwebi
Agricultural College, Farming in Matabeleland (own farms),
Married with 2 children and another on the way (October 1999) ,
Matabeleland Busters 1st XV. Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Steve Smythe <luncarty@telconet.co.zw>
Thamsanqa Somkence (Ence) : Lloyd 1993-1998;
Bridge club, Chess club, 4th hockey captain, 2nd tennis,
toastmasters-master of ceremonies, colours-dramatics, choir
soloist; currently studying for a Bcomm.accounting at Fort Hare
university (will be at Port Elizabeth university 2000). Cape
Town, South Africa. Thamsanqa Somkence <thamie@mailbox.co.za>
Bryan Staines : Gaul 1982-1986; Played 1st team waterpolo
(on and off) played thirsty thirds rugby, swam for the school,
participated in various other activities both legal and illegal;
Played rugby for Matabeleland after leaving school, played
waterpolo, trying to play golf. Worked for an engineering company
for +- 10 years specilizing in Pumping water, sewage etc. Started
our own company four years ago specilizing in pumps, contracts
etc. Married Cindy de Caila in 1992 just had our first child
named Megan in June this year. Harare, Zimbabwe. Bryan Staines <ksphre@telco.co.zw>
Ian Stedall (Stodge) : Milner 1970-1975; House
Prefect, 1stXI cricket colours 1st XV; Married Jayne, 3 children
David, Richard, Andrew; Electrical Engineer Sasol Secunda
Matabeleland Rugby 1980. Secunda, South Africa Ian Stedall <stedall@sec.lia.net>
Gary Stockton : Milner 1972-1977; Not being the
most sport-oriented person around, I definitely did not fit the
mould ! Did manage to get through O Levels and most of my A
Levels OK, though !; After doing the national service bit, left
Zim. for Jhb, where I completed articles and degree at UNISA -
after Neil Todd said "not university material" on
aptitude test ! Got married, got divorced, got re-married, moved
to Cape Town, set up my own IT consultancy, completed my MBA at
UCT, now going for an MComm (IT). Into serious off-road driving,
including overlanding, SCUBA diving (qualified to Dive Master),
photography. Cape Town, South Africa. Gary Stockton <garyst@iafrica.com>
Grant Sutcliffe (Sutty) : Milner 1982-1986; House prefect
(no other choices) Provincial/national w/polo. Chibuku drinker
(Thunder Rocks club) Harry's right hand man!!!, Done my time in
POMMEGOLIA, Now living in OZ. Juggling the duties of an
horticultural business home technician (1 yr old girl Yasmine)
Studying (Shouldn't have eaten all those Marulas in class back
then.) Playing polo still, but float like a sponge. Looking
forward to catch up with old mates. Byron Bay, Australia. Grant Sutcliffe <Vicki@nor.com.au>
John Swart : Milner
1993-1996; 1996 recieved my Foundation Tie for service to the
school for the work I did on computers around the school; Did my
A+ then went on to join CF Tulley now Virtex Technologies, during
that time until now I have become a MCP and not stopping until I
get my MCSE, I plan on becoming a Microsoft Certified Database
Engineer (MCDE), then be come a consultant for Microsoft
Products. Harare, Zimbabwe. John Swart <canej@logical.co.zw>
Roy Swemmer : Milner 1972-1976. BSAP Patrol
Officer, Killed in action 1978
Andrew Szolga ( Zuggi) : Grey 1993- 1994; Worked in Byo after leaving school for about 5 years, finally made the break and have established my career in IT consultancy in the UK. England
May 2001. Andrew
Szolga <szolga@netscapeonline.co.uk>
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