Old Prunitian Database
- Index G
Jason Gerber : Milner 1991- 1994; Worked at Plastique Industries in Harare until I left for the UK in 1999. I
now work for ADT Fire & Security in Manchester as a Special Projects Coordinator dealing with Domestic &
Commercial alarms. England May 2001. Jason
Gerber <jgerber41@hotmail.com>
Dion Gibson : Milner 1986- 1991; School Pig, Academics, ran a bit, house pre at Hammond; Was at UCT (1992-1995), Rhodes Uni (1995), taught at Pedatree
(1996-1998) - see staff pages, Uni of Zim (1999-2000 - got an MSc in Ecology) - now
I'm doing data entry in the UK - am looking for conservation type work in Zim from June 2001 - please
help !! Zimbabwe/UK May 2001. Email - will advise when I get a permanent one.
Mark B. Gilbert : Milner 1991-1993;
Currently self employed. Specialist in Internet Marketing, Web
design and consultancy. Harare, Zimbabwe. Mark Gilbert <mark@webrite-zw.com>
Mandla Gobledalee : Gaul 2000; I'm going to start 8th grade at Wylie Junior High in University Heights, Ohio, USA (just outside Cleveland). Would love to be in touch with boys at Plumtree School.
Ohio, USA.
Gobledalee <gobledales@earthlink.net>
Brian Goodwin (George/Boggy) : Gaul 1984-1985; 1st X1
Cricket,MatLand Schools:1st X1 Hockey,(V.Capt) Wrote final school
exams at Vainona High in Harare.A member of the choir and took
part in the school plays; Single. Travelled extensively and still
doing so. Played league hockey at O.H. and then rugby for H.S.C.
and have represented Zimbabwe at both Softball and Baseball.
Zimbabwe. Brian Goodwin <BGoodwin67@hotmail.com>
Mark Green (Bogey) :
Grey 1984-1989; House/School prefect, 1st XV rugby, Academic,
Dramatics and Athletics colours. To my knowledge, still hold the
record for most school dress parades in one year (7); Own a
software development firm specialising in the forestry and hotel
managment industries. Been engaged twice, fired twice - just
don't breed in captivity. UK March 2001. Mark
Green <markg@1cgroup.com>
Rick Grover (Goof) :
Gual 1984-1987; Not much - was in House swimming team. Played
Fiths Rugby; Married & divorced in one year. Been there done
that!! Lost the "Cap & Tshirt", Am now MD of a
steel profiling company in Boksburg SA. Very single and enjoying
life. Boksburg, South Africa. Rick Grover <richg@lantic.net>
Edwin Gumbo (Ed) : Lloyd
1985-1990; Deputy Head of School (1990), Zimbabwe Schools cricket
(1989-1990), Captain 1st XV 1990, Colours (Rugby & Cricket),
Best All Round Sportsman (1990); BCompt Hounors (UNISA),
Chartered Accountant(Zimbabwe). Currently a Director at
Continental Securities (Stockbroking firm on the ZSE), Married to
Diana with a boy on the way. Harare, Zimbabwe. Edwin Gumbo <edwing@nmbz.co.zw>
Cabangani Dwight Gumede (Gumster) : Lloyd 1986-1990; Been in the United
States (Los Angeles, California) since 1994. Currently driving big rigs cross country and loving it!!!!
United States. Cabangani
Gumede <cagumede@yahoo.com>
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