Prunitian Database - Index T
Alan Taylor : Grey 1981-1986; School Prefect, Academic colours, Tuckey
Cup; UCT Medical School. Currently Dr in UK . Single. England. Alan
Taylor <alanplum@aol.com>
Hilton Thomas (Tom) : Milner 1982-1987;
Just Polo or as Whiley put it ''You slush puppy's''; Did my appi
ship in RSA on earthmoving equipment. Qualified in 1990, Moved
back to Zim and worked for Hubert Davies for a while, Left in
1991 and started my own business, I now have my business in
Centenary operating as a workshop to all the surrounding farmers.
Centenary, Zimbabwe. Hilton Thomas <tracmach@africaonline.co.zw>
Aubrey Thomson : Grey 1984-1988. England. Aubrey Thomson <Cokeuk@yahoo.com>
Derek Thompson : Lloyd 1940-1944; School rep Under
13/14/15 hockey and cricket; Worked at Bulawayo Chronicle,
Married Nita McCallum from Shabani. Three children. Played
cricket for Queens Club and hockey for Panthers and represented
Rhodesia in 1951. Emigrated to Northern Rhodesia and then to New
Zealand in 1961. New Zealand. Derek Thompson <drthom@clear.net.nz>
Gary Todd (Chum) : Lloyd 1976-1981; School Prefect,1st
team basketball, 2nd team rugby and a couple of M levels
(enough!); Qualified as an Engineer at CSC - with Sparky Munro, Grey 1976-81 - before moving on to a career in General
Management running a number of Companies including Supersonic
before emigrating to Oz in July 1998, Married to Alison - a
shifty from Marondera - with two daughters Jamie and Joanna.
Perth, Australia. Gary
Todd <gjt@nw.com.au>
Mark Trollip : Grey 1986-1987; Have
got "The Prunitian" year manuals for 1986 and 1987,
should anybody require any reference checked out, please contact
me; Presently assisting with running of Ashley Sports Club in
Pinetown SA. Met Peter Morris of Saints, Balla Balla, who is
helping me load this info for me. Pinetown-South Africa. Mark Trollip c/o <constan@durbs.co.za>
Titus Tshabalala ( Tshabs) : Grey 1991- 1997;
2XV, athletics colours 1997; well after leaving school I did nothing important for 2 years.
Since then I have moved to the UK where I am in the army - Parachute Battalion.
England May 2001. No Email provided.
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